Milton Pleasure League

Oldtimers Hockey
Milton, Ontario, Canada
The Draft
Basic Eligibility
• In order to be eligible for the pending season, players must have their properly completed registration form and post dated payment submitted to the league office prior to the deadline date (usually the 3rd week in August, see website for exact date).
• Must be a minimum of 40 years old on September 30th of the pending season
• Must be a resident of Milton
Players with Priority Tenure
Players who have played in the league in prior seasons have automatic priority tenure, and if they submit their registration form and payment, they will be submitted to the general Draft.
New Players
Player's who have never before been assigned to a league team roster and that wish to gain entry into the league will be submitted to a lottery. The league will accept the number of new players to fill the team rosters as required. New players who do not gain entry via a lottery system will be eligible to serve on the ``spares`` list.
Post dated cheques from new players who gain entry via the lottery will be deposited by the League. New players who do NOT gain entry via a lottery system, will have their post dated cheques returned to them by return mail.
New players who gain entry will be assigned temporarily to a team roster on draft day. New players may be transferred to other teams within the first 6 weeks or until the league has conducted evaluation of new player skill level.
The Draft Procedure
Each year all draft eligible players (except 2 team reps and 1 sponsor rep) are submitted to the general draft before the season begins.
Rosters will be 14 players per team, which will be one goalie and 13 skaters. After all registrations have been received (on or about August 24), league officials and the team reps gather in a private meeting to conduct a draft to determine the team rosters for the new season.
A system is utilized to attempt to balance the strength of the player rosters. The draft committee uses their best efforts to allocate forwards and defence players to each team. Despite the committees best efforts, team reps will require the cooperation of players to play different positions during games {that's hockey}.
Generally the system works pretty good, but its not perfect
After the drafted roosters have been approved by league officials, the team reps will call each player to advise them of team, prior to the first game.
After some games have been played, league officials may arbitrate a few player trades to further balance the strength of the player rosters. Usually there are only a few trades made.