Milton Pleasure League

Oldtimers Hockey
Milton, Ontario, Canada
Memorial Award
Over the years our League has presented to individual players the annual Memorial Award. The is was named in memory of past League Executive who have passed away. Specifically, Stan Edgar, Bob Dance, Al Brodie, Norm Kerwin and Art Brooks.
Each individual plague reads as follows;
In recognition for years of dedication and outstanding service to our League. Your contribution, promotion of the Leagues principles, sense of sportsmanship, and love of the game, set the ultimate example of the standards upon which our league is based
Below are listed the recipients of the award from the past;
Benny Hall
Bob Haston
Cliff Booth
Bob Little
Bruce McFarlane
Clarence Haringa
Dave Lawrence
Gord Gent
John Carroll
Roger Lauzon
Steve Leachman
Verne O'Neil
Calvin Snow
Grant Woodall
Steve Power
This list was compiled from interviews with members, it may be incomplete. If you know of any missing names, please contact the League.